Men are from Mars has become a saying recognised by all, so there is no need for explanation.
We always love it when clients give us feedback, because it is one sure way of truly finding out what they are experiencing, and it helps us also to learn and grow and adapt our way of working.
We recently received an interesting email from a client, the day after his session with us – following are a few sentences from his email which we found particularly interesting:
‘Please pass on my heartfelt thanks to Celeste for yesterday – 24 hr later Im still feeling blissful and serene…..
The overall effect was amazing and its the first time Ive felt that I could understand what you mean about ‘moving the energy around’ and experiencing sensations ‘with the whole body.’
I became interested in tantra because I love to massage my wife (who obviously loves it too !) and I wanted to be able to manage my own levels of excitement in a way which allow me to be present in the moment rather than trying to do the usual male things of thinking about tricky physics problems or trying to name the FA Cup Winners of the past 10 years as a means to distract oneself !.’
Many women may not be aware, when they are making love, with all their heart to their husband, that their man is actually trying to concentrate on some tricky physics problems.. ! Wouldnt it be so much more wonderful if both partners could be concentrating on their loving feelings for one another and both be totally ‘present in the moment.’