This is a gentleman’s willy care kit
It might make a good joke Xmas present for a husband/ partner / lover/or an ex.
And you will get a good laugh from the product description and the reviews on Amazon, which lists it for sale at £8.99.
The Gentleman’s Willy Care Kit comes complete with fluffing brush, styling scissors, sprucing mirror and also ‘evening wear’ (?)………All these items come packed in a luxurious hard leather-look case to add a touch of class to this fine personal grooming collection. A must for every man on the move.
Our thanks to the Dawn French fan page on facebook for bringing this item to our attention.
It is very funny, but on a slightly more serious note, here at Tantric Massage in Kensington, we have noticed a huge change in men’s grooming habits over the years and since you often ask us our opinions on what we like, we thought we would give you some feedback on what we really like.
We used to get asked questions like ‘ What do you think of my willy’ ? ‘Do you think it is long enough?” How does it compare with other men’s willies?’ etc. These types of questions used to bring a smile to our face because women really do not think in this way about men, and are truly not concerned about size etc. Nowadays, we also get questions like ‘do you like my overall shaved look?’
However,the one thing we, and most women are concerned about is cleanliness. Over the years, men have become much more conscious of personal cleanliness and grooming.
When I began working many years ago, I used to have a few clients who I think must have been forced to take cold showers at school, and would get out of the shower as fast as possible. I dont think anyone, including their parents took the trouble to teach them how to actually wash themselves, let alone wash their private parts.
This hardly ever happens nowadays, but we still get the odd client who says ‘ I will take a shower after the massage, thank you.’….. not realising that he really needs to take a shower BEFORE the massage – and we have learned that we sometimes have to spell this out to the person concerned, which is never a comfortable thing for either party.
Some clients arrive with so much after shave lotion on, we have to open all the windows – they dont realise that the smell of after shave can be off-putting.
If you want to know what women really like – it is a nice clean man.