Tantric Masseuse – qualified Sexological Bodyworker
Wednesday, 02 December 2015
Celeste is now a qualified Sexological Bodyworker. She completed the course (see details in my previous blog article https://www.tantricmassagelondon.com/tantric-massage-and-sexological-bodywork/) and received the qualification because she has been very much in demand for our Tantric Therapy/Tuition sessions for several years now,and she wanted to study the subject in more depth. The
- Published in Humour, News, Psychology, tantric massage and tuition for women, Tantric massage tuition, Tantric masseuses, therapy
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The Internal Clitoris by Betty Dodson
Saturday, 21 November 2015
Betty Dodson is a well-known sex educator I have mentioned her before, in previous articles on this blog. For women, in particular, it is well worth reading some of the many articles on her comprehensive website: http://www.dodsonandross.com She has written countless articles and produced many videos on all kinds of subjects related to
- Published in tantric massage and tuition for women, Tantric massage tuition, therapy
Tantric Massage and Sexological Bodywork
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Tantric massage and Sexological Bodywork work well together I never labelled my practice ‘tantric massage’ until around 2005 when suddenly everyone started using the internet and I noticed websites appearing, calling themselves ‘tantric massage london’ etc. So I decided that if they can call themselves tantric massage, I will also. I never had any
- Published in Tantric massage tuition
Tantric Massage, Tantra and the Shiva Lingam
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
We have been practicing tantric massage in London for over 20 years. When we first began, there were maybe 5 practitioners in the whole of London offering tantric massage. And we all advertised in a publication called Loot.Those were the days before the internet.
- Published in Tantra philosophy
Tantra – thoughts
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Tantra is a philosophy which needs to become an integral part of our daily life. And the tantra path needs a teacher to point out the direction. Otherwise, when we come to a crossroad, how do we know whether to turn left or right? How do we learn to look inwards and
- Published in Tantra philosophy
Blue Moon
Friday, 31 July 2015
Tonight will be the night of the Blue Moon. Most of us don’t know what a Blue Moon is, except that it was a song sung by Frank Sinatra (you can listen to the song below) Nowadays, a Blue Moon can often refer to the second full moon of the month. This month,
- Published in News, Spirituality
Tantra-Tantric Tuition
Sunday, 31 May 2015
What happens in your Tantra-Tantric Tuition ? Is a question that we often get asked by prospective clients. So I thought I would write an article on the subject, although of course, like all our sessions, the Tantra-Tantric tuition is adapted to each individual. I will be writing here about Tantra-Tantric tuition
- Published in Tantric massage tuition
Wednesday, 06 May 2015
The Rolling Stones may recommend it , but what is meditation? There is a lot of talk about meditation nowadays, but how many people really know what it is? Our world has become one of ‘instant gurus’. People do a course here and there, and then set themselves
- Published in Tantra philosophy
Origin of Tantric Massage
Saturday, 04 April 2015
There are many misconceptions about the origin of Tantric Massage It did not originate in India thousands of years ago, but first started to become popular at the ashram of Rajneesh in Pune, India in the 1970’s and then spread to California in the 1980s. Tantric massage has nothing to do with Tantra in
- Published in Spirituality, Tantra philosophy
Shakti the Goddess – Au Revoir
Friday, 06 March 2015
Shakti will be with us for one more week and she will then go abroad to continue her studies. She has been with us for over 3 years, and we wish her well. We hope that she will continue to visit and work with us during her holidays so do keep an eye
- Published in News, Tantra philosophy, Tantric masseuses
Valentine’s Day – Chocolate …
Saturday, 07 February 2015
Valentine’s Day is coming up again . Do you feel that you would like to offer your loved one a special experience or a gift? Or maybe there isn’t a special someone in your life.. Either way, one shouldn’t feel pressurised on Valentine’s Day or any other day. Even though society does its best
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The Female Orgasm
Friday, 23 January 2015
The female orgasm is the subject of of the first video in a new Guardian series of videos. Psychotherapist and agony aunt, Philippa Perry, who is married to the cross-dressing artist Grayson Perry (see picture above) . responds to a woman who is suffering from anorgasmia and doesn’t want to resort to faking it
- Published in tantric massage and tuition for women
Introduction to Tantra on Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop
Friday, 02 January 2015
Mention Tantra and most people think of having sex for hours ‘a la Sting’. An introduction to tantra on Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop has been published. So now another famous celebrity has added her name to the practitioners of Tantra. Or at least she has published an article on Tantra on her website:
- Published in Tantra philosophy
Love the earth
Friday, 26 December 2014
“This is what you shall do: Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat
- Published in Tantra philosophy
Map of the Vagina for your convenience
Friday, 05 December 2014
This map of the vagina is for your convenience Vaginas are a source of mystery and fascination to most men. Questions about vaginas, the location of the clitoris, what women like and dont like, are questions which are often asked in our tantric tuition sessions. At first, clients can be hesitant or embarrassed to
- Published in tantric massage and tuition for women, Tantric massage tuition
Institute of Sexology
Friday, 07 November 2014
‘The Institute of Sexology’ is a new exhibition which will be held at the Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE, starting on November 20th Their website states invitingly : Undress your mind and join us to investigate human sexuality at ‘The Institute.’ The Institute of Sexology is a candid exploration of the most
- Published in News
Happy Diwali
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Diwali, the festival of lights is celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs (on 24-28 October this year – dates vary according to the Indian lunar calendar) has become increasingly popular and mainstream in the UK. India loves its holy holidays, and during Diwali, which coincides with the Hindu New Year, a lot of time is
- Published in News
Hard on in public
Saturday, 02 August 2014
Getting a hard on in public is a very male problem This article is taken from the blog of Ruby Jane May, with thanks to her and to Drew Larson who drew our attention to it. “Coming out: my love of public hard ons.” “There is something about this article that
- Published in Psychology
Boy Stuck in Vagina
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
US student is rescued from giant vagina sculpture in Germany You may have read about how a young American in Tubingen, Germany got trapped inside a giant sculpture of a vagina and had to be rescued by 22 firefighters -The statue, Chacán-Pi (Making Love), is the work of Peruvian artist Fernando de
- Published in Humour
Massage and Mindfulness for Children
Monday, 23 June 2014
Massage and mindfulness, in my opinion, should be taught to children as early as possible. In India, children are massaged from very early on, and I wonder whether this is one reason for their flexibility in yoga. Luckily, this attitude has been catching on in the West, and naturally, most children love being massaged. As
- Published in Spirituality