Tantra – Illusions
Sunday, 02 February 2014
Tantra is probably the one of India’s yoga traditions which has become the most sensational, exotic and dramatic. It has come to fascinate the mind of the modern western world and has been interpreted in the most bizarre and entertaining ways. Tantra seems to offer us everything – plenty of heightened pleasure in sex, money,
- Published in Tantra philosophy
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Osho and Sex
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Osho, formerly known as Rajneesh, introduced his version of Tantra to the West in the 1960’s. He was controversial, but he was an intelligent and prolific writer. Here are some quotes from Osho: Tantra is the natural way to God, the normal way to God. The object is to become so completely instinctual, so mindless,
- Published in Spirituality, Tantra philosophy
Secret India
Friday, 16 August 2013
‘A Search In Secret India’ by Paul Brunton – excerpts Paul Brunton (1898-1981) was a British philosopher, mystic and traveller. His ‘Search in Secret India’ and the other books he wrote, had a major influence on the spread of Eastern yoga and mysticism to the West. Here he is putting questions to Ramana
- Published in Tantra philosophy
Tantric Massage London – What does it really mean to slow down?
Wednesday, 07 August 2013
On how to slow down I was struck recently by an article written by Carl Honore, on the subject of slow sex.. He writes: ‘The other day a buddy of mine was making love to his new girlfriend when her IPhone beeped with an incoming text message. Like any guy, he hoped she would ignore
- Published in Psychology, Spirituality, Tantra philosophy
Clients who come for a Tantric Massage
Friday, 28 June 2013
I thought about the above quote today, because we had a client who asked me about tantra practice. When I asked him what he meant, his answer was that he didnt at present, have a partner. This answer didnt really make sense to me, and I told
- Published in Tantra philosophy
Sayings of Nisargadatta
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj said : ‘As long as you identify yourself with body and mind, you are bound to suffer; realize your independence and remain happy. I tell you, this is the secret of happiness. To believe that you depend on things and people for happiness is due to ignorance of your true nature;
- Published in Tantra philosophy
The Guest House by Rumi
Friday, 10 May 2013
This being human is a guest house by Rumi Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all ! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest
- Published in Tantra philosophy
Thoughts on communication from Tantric Massage London in Kensington
Monday, 27 August 2012
I was chatting – or shall we say’ having communication’ with my 21 year old nephew yesterday about the flat which he shares with 4 other guys and 5 girls. He told me that the girls are always quarrelling and have all fallen out with one another, whereas the guys seem to get on much
- Published in Psychology, Tantra philosophy
What really is the kundalini ?
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Maybe the majority of you who come and receive a tantric massage are not really concerned about the kundalini. You come to receive a relaxing and reviving tantric massage and you are more interested in the experience than all the theory But I
- Published in Tantra philosophy
Inspiration – some inspirational thoughts from us here at Tantric Massage London in Kensington
Thursday, 06 October 2011
This morning, I read that Steve Jobs has passed away. He was a true pioneer and such an inspiration to so many people and to the world. He courageously fought his illness as well as the many obstacles which presented themselves along his path. I still remember my first Apple computer, back in California in the
- Published in Tantra philosophy
Tantra – Respect for the Goddess
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Many pretty young girls and agencies seem to be advertising themselves as offering tantric massage. They are taking advantage of the fact that there is no recognised qualification for tantric massage in this country. and tantra has nothing to do with massage anyway. But they may think that using the term ‘tantric’ will somehow make them sound more
- Published in Spirituality, Tantra philosophy
Happy Shivaratri and a Lovely Story:”This Too Shall Pass”
Thursday, 03 March 2011
Today is Shivaratri It is considered to be one of the holiest nights of the year, dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva is the one who destroys that which is old and impure in order to make room for a new creation which is pure and divine. He annihilates our egos, our
- Published in News, Spirituality, Tantra philosophy
Visit to India – the home of Tantra
Saturday, 26 February 2011
India, as you all know, is the home of Tantra I have just returned from a 2 week stay in Kollur, Karnataka, India. Kollur is the home of the well-known Mookambika Temple which is among the seven most sacred temples in the state of Karnataka. It is said that the image of Goddess Mookambika
- Published in News, Tantra philosophy, Travels
Tantric Massage London – What is Erotic Massage ?
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
dita von teese The Erotica Show opens this year at Olympia London,on November 19. The headline attraction for the show is Dita Von Teese. I am a great admirer of hers – she has such radiance, glamour, style and a very unique quality of elegance.But, looking at the rest of what is on offer made
- Published in News, Tantra philosophy
Tantric Massage London- How to deal with anger
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
How did I learn to deal with my anger? I went to California Esalen, in northern California, was founded in 1962, and became a centre for the ‘human potential’ movement…It was an institute devoted to the exploration of the world of ‘unrealized capacities that lies beyond the imagination.’ It became known for its experimental workshops,
- Published in Psychology, Spirituality, Tantra philosophy
What is Love ?
Friday, 08 October 2010
What is LOVE? – a popular question The great mystics talk about Love – and the true meaning of Love on a Universal level: ‘Taking Love out of the personal sphere of relationship and acknowledging how it is part of creation of a fundamental, cellular level… reclaiming the cellular nature of love, the love that
- Published in Spirituality, Tantra philosophy
Tantra expressed in different words
Monday, 16 August 2010
Tantra has many meanings and is a vast subject. Here are the words of three different masters, not necessarily on tantra itself, but on spirituality in general. ‘The state we call realization is simply being one’s self, not knowing anything or becoming anything. If one has realized he is that which alone
- Published in Spirituality, Tantra philosophy
Sting – the rock star who made Tantra a household name
Saturday, 27 March 2010
I have been practicing Tantric Massage in London since 1992 but it was some years later that suddenly everyone seemed to know the word Tantra, because the singer Sting had publicly claimed that he practiced Tantric sex. In an interview with Sting in The Guardian on 12 November 2003, the author writes: ‘Sting says he
- Published in Humour, Tantra philosophy, Video
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