Celeste is now a qualified Sexological Bodyworker.
She completed the course (see details in my previous blog article https://www.tantricmassagelondon.com/tantric-massage-and-sexological-bodywork/) and received the qualification because she has been very much in demand for our Tantric Therapy/Tuition sessions for several years now,and she wanted to study the subject in more depth. The idea was to get more knowledge, feedback and a recognised qualification.
The t-shirt she received on graduating shows that the organisation has a sense of humour, which is always a plus.
Personally, I wasn’t too sure what a Sex Geek is, so I have searched the term and come up with some interesting definitions.
The Urban Dictionary
definition is: “Someone who takes pride in learning, applying and spreading throughout their lives, accurate sexual health information, effective communication skills and relationship blackbelt knowhow regardless of sexual identity and practices” http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sex+Geek
Sex-Positive Podcasts
“that helped me realize, I’m a Sex Geek I identify as a ‘sex geek’ It’s a term that was coined and made popular by renowned sex educator Reid Mihalko and I’ve been one since before there even was a term for it…….. ” https://medium.com/@lizandrade/sex-positive-podcasts-that-helped-me-realize-i-m-a-sex-geek-6e21a99aebe9#.jx6j2r26l
10 Ways to become a Sexy Geek
Confidence is sexy – Ability to listen – Believe in yourself -Develop the Ability to Smile – etc…. I wont quote the rest but you can look it up on: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/10-ways-become-sexy-geek.html
Sex Geek Summer Camp
One can even go on a 4-night Sleepaway Retreat for Sex Educators to Geek-Out http://www.sexgeeksummercamp.com/sp/25445-register-for-sex-geek-summer-camp-july-25-30th-2015-in-abrams-creek-campground-in-wv
Sex Geekdom
is a global community for people who love having geeky conversations about sex…. there may be a Sex Geekdom event near you. http://www.sexgeekdom.com/about-sex-geekdom/
Well, I dont know about being a Sex Geek, but Celeste is a very popular tantric tuition therapist and she has gained a lot of experience over the years. Not only is she a natural educator with the requisite knowledge and the gift of communication, but she has an inner peacefulness about her which makes people instantly feel good when they are around her. That is a rare spiritual gift.